Our brave faces belie our sad hearts...our first Thanksgiving without Joey.
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies..." Jn 11:25
“God’s will was not hidden somewhere ‘out there’ . . . the situations [in which I found myself] were his will for me. What he wanted was for me to accept these situations as from his hands, to let go of the reins and place myself entirely at his disposal.”
Jesuit Walter Ciszek’s (1904–1983)
I don't write much on these blog sites, but I was called to say something when I read the Pungo Blog. In the last two entries, "My Favorite Women" and "My Favorite Little Women", you have described 7 out of the 8 most important ladies in my life.
I am so lucky to have all of you in the lives of my best friend and brother, my lost but not forgotten brother, my second Dad, my son, my nephew and myself. Such a gathering of strong minded, intelligent, artistic, kind, smart witted, and of course beautiful women in our lives has only made the men of our family stronger, and wiser. (Sometimes the wiser part has to be forced.)
They have kept us in line when things seem to go out of control and we want to take care of things man style.
You think that the universe was made by intelligent design. Well, I know that these women were put in my life by intelligent design. Thank you God for what you have given me and thank you ladies for having the patience to deal with us men. Especially the Dancing Queen. She is hot!
If you haven't figured out who the 8th Woman is and you are reading this and wondering who it is...
I love you Mom!
Ohh my sweet loving man...thank you for that!
that is sooo cute and sweet.
Wow, that was music to our hearts, Drew. Thanks for your love and for expressing it so eloquently. We better make sure your mom sees this one, too. Lovely. Love you.
I am blessed by this son who amazes me with his maturity, love and compassion. Our family has also been blessed by the Johnson family in so many ways. Thank you for your generous hearts. Our special blessings are Jaime and the beautiful Bailey, Izzy and Aidan, our grandchildren that we share in common with Joe and Karen.
Love and blessings to you, Joe and Karen on your journey.
aka Drew's mom, Granny Nanny
p.s. This is my first blog ever. The last time I tried, I poured my heart into it and it totally disappeared.
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