The grass is still a beautiful emerald green, but the trees are starting to turn red and gold.

The rockers on the porch are waiting for visitors.

The garden is fading. I am only getting a few roses a day now, and even fewer tomatoes.

The pond is quiet. The turtles are not sunbathing anymore.

The potted plants are blooming less.

The dragonflies are disappearing.

The barn is quiet.

The coke planter is getting ready for bulbs so we can have blooms in spring.

The screen porch is vacant.

The front door is getting decorated for Fall.

The summer flowers will be replaced with mums.

The entry will be full of pumpkins, orange wreaths and autumn flowers.

No one is swimming in the pond.

No one is climbing on the fort.

All the kids are back in school and the farm is quiet at the end of summer. We turn our energies toward preparing for the cool days that are coming.
Nothing is as beautiful and cozy as Fall.
Eccles 1:3
For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.
Am glad I was able to visit this lovely place. Quiet and peaceful it seems and yes fall is in the air. It still looks inviting and seems as if a group of friends could be coming to the front door at any time. You are blessed to have this beautiful farm and wonderful husband and family. xoxo Sharon
Your farm delights my heart. The house is beautiful, and bears clear evidence of your artistry, hospitality and generosity. How I wish I could join you on that porch, sit in one of those rockers, and chat for hours. Blessed be the ones who live close enough to do so, or gather around your table. xoxo
Fall is in the air here in Kansas too. After way too many 100+ degree temperature days, we are READY! The summer heat is very brutal here so we are delighted with the weather change!! My deck pots of red geraniums are still blooming, in fact they are brilliant with the cooler temps. I think they will last another good month. YIPPEE!!
So pretty, Karen. I could just go sit my behind down in one of those rockers of yours.
The colours must be astounding in the fall!
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