Let me explain it to you. Starting from the bottom, he's got the clouds, then the gates of Heaven, complete with the haloed angels standing guard. Above the gates, three more flying angels. At the top, various planets and stars and things floating in space-- a couple of moons, Saturn with a ring, even a heart-shaped planet.

Though none of us here yet know what happens after this life, we have the words of Jesus to reassure us. "I go to prepare a place for you that you may be where I am...if it were not so I would have told you." Those powerful words have held us together on many a dark night in the past year.
Aidan, too, has held us together. We would never intentionally give such a burdensome job to a child, but Aidan's love-filled heart has overflowed on us over and over again, washing away our tears. He's a little gift from God keeping us rooted in the present when we were ready ourselves to fly away to Heaven.
Matt 21:16 "Do you hear what these children are saying?" they asked him. "Yes," replied Jesus, "have you never read, "'From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise'?"
Look at the two of you!!I just see so much love. Ahhh childrens art, is there nothing better? I think God had a real plan when He put them in our lives as grandchildren.
I loved when our grandchildren came running out of the Sunday school room with things they had made and then listen to them talk about the story. Kind of like Kit's son talking about eternal life and how he wanted to have turtle life to!!Precious, precious children.
Love Sharon
So beautiful and precious!
"Do you remember Nana..when you were crying and then you looked at me and I made you smile?"
We love you Aidan.
Love Auntie Viv
Aaaaaaaw, soo sweet...the heart of a child.
I miss that little boy!
Love that verse, too. I wrote it down.
Miss you, too, Karen.
Beautiful! It reminds me of George Bush Jr talking about helping his mom with her heart after they had a child pass. George Jr has never regretted it and he became a president. How about that?
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