JR and Joey met on the first day of school at the University of Southern California. They were both musicians, and as JR sat in his room strumming his guitar, he and Joey made an instant connection. They found they had many things in common, so much so, that their lives were almost mirror images for several years. They were both business majors, they had grown up in nearby towns and they both loved to travel. They ended up being roommates for the next 3 years of college and afterwards, as well. They also shared an extreme enthusiasm for beer and began brewing their own a couple years back. The forlorn picture above caught them dumping a batch that had spoiled.
Here they are on one of their great trips with Rachel in Sydney, AUS a few years ago when JR was sent there by his company. These three were a very close trio. We are so happy that Rachel will be at the wedding in France. She is standing in for our family and for Joey, and has orders to pass on a special hug to JR and Clara from me.
This picture is a classic. These two were definitely in a club of their own, a club with only two members! No, I'm sorry, the kangaroo paw in Joey's hand was also a member. Roopaw took on a life of his own. Don't call PETA and don't shed a tear--they sell these things all over Australia for pennies and the Aussies pretty much regard the over-abundant kangaroos as large rats!
Here they are on a college trip to Europe. This looks like France and is a fitting final picture on this congratulatory post. Though Joey is physically absent, he is present in spirit. Undoubtedly, as JR's best man he would have given a funny speech recalling their single glory days-- USC football games, playing music at the 3rd St. Mall for small change, catering that memorable summer in Maui, and seeing the world together. Then he would have raised the champagne glass and blessed JR and Clara's union and their futures together.
One of the last things Joey said to me the week before he went to Heaven was how much he liked Clara and what a good match she was for JR. He was always perceptive and wise. We join him in that fine opinion and send our deepest love and happiest wishes to them both. Mariage heureux, nos amis chers.
And the two shall become one.
Genesis 2:28
Very nice Karen. Congratulations JR & Clara!
I don't remember meeting JR but I have heard about him a lot. Congratulations!
Congrats to them! My son's college room mate was an opposite. We remember fondly and hysterically a letter sent to my son a week before his freshman year. The room mate was as organized as can be. He introduced himself using all of his given titles which were many. He wanted to know if my son was interested in discussing how the room would be sorted out--like who was bringing what.
My son thinks for the moment. He hadn't even begun to pack his one bag. They were true opposites. They started out on strange footing but ended up being the best of friends.
Those friendships forever change you.
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