....and one in Heaven.

Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies..." Jn 11:25
“God’s will was not hidden somewhere ‘out there’ . . . the situations [in which I found myself] were his will for me. What he wanted was for me to accept these situations as from his hands, to let go of the reins and place myself entirely at his disposal.”
Jesuit Walter Ciszek’s (1904–1983)
I love it! Love them and love you.
Precious family.
Thank you for allowing us to see your beautiful family photos. What riches you have, both here and in heaven. Thank God we have the hope of being ALL together again! XO
Karen and Joe, I love the pictures,
and I loved the order, and I loved that Joey is still there. It is hard to pull that off... Ahhhh as the other Karen said, heaven we will certainly rejoyce. I for one will be praising the loudest. Hard time of year to be happy and sad all at once. I am glad the Lord is with us..all the time...
even when we will lost..
Love Sharon
Beautiful, beautiful family, Karen.
I see Joey and Karen in a lot of the grandchildren too. Bright and Smart is what pops out at you when this family is presented. Just beautiful Karen. You won't have to do any explaining when you get to heaven cause Joey will know he was never forgotten. He'll say Momma....I saw all that you did. I saw it.
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