Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Fever

Happy Birthday to my SIL. He gave himself this motor home for his birthday.

They have big plans to tour the country in style when he is out of the military. It's a fancy house on wheels, with a hearth, hardwood floors and a comfy master bedroom. Roll on, Sean and JoAnne!

At home, we are enjoying hanging our with our many visitors. Cody is in his favorite spot, next to his Master and Commander.

The Easter Bunny dropped this good egg on our porch...Rachel love. 

My 82 year old mom also flew in for a 2 week visit. Doesn't she look great? She's a natural beauty and I hope I got some of those genes.

There is nothing like good times at the table with those we love. Here, our friend Marek, a Czech missionary and teacher,  tells a story about his visit to exotic Dubai.

He came all the way from Prague to make us crepes for breakfast.
Delectable.  What a guy. Oh, and he was also doing a bit of paper work for the US government to maintain his residency status. 

Mom and I visited DC on a failed quest to see cherry blossoms. On an unrelated side trip to the White House, Mom decided it was appropriate that the residents of this house were kept behind bars. #political humor #no offense #just laugh

Grandma and Uncle Sam. My mom is a patriot and loves her country deeply.

We found some cherry blossoms under this arch at the botanical garden in Richmond. Beauty springing up everywhere. 

Spring and baseball go together. My grandson is playing second base, for his first season ever. Put down the joystick and get your game on, grandson o' mine. 

First time at bat here. One for the memory books...

Mom and Dad, Nana and Great Grandma relishing this big moment. Aidan, not so much. His team lost.
The farm is beautiful, changing every single day. The willow is green and flowing.

The daffodils are popping up.

The tulips, too, one by one, with the sunniest spots popping first.

My favorite junky planter is bursting forth.

My cabbages and lettuces and onions are growing with abandon.

Little tulips are emerging from the grass next to the pond.

And the pond itself is coming to life with hundreds of baby fishes and dozens of turtles. Apparently someone has been laying eggs all winter long.

There are three turtles snuggled on the bank right above the reflection in the water of the center tree. 

And we have baby frogs here and there.

A true boy's paradise for Aidan and his buddies. They have hours of play every weekend,  in and around the pond and woods.

All of this wonder, while Papa makes pancakes for breakfast. Don't you love a Spring morning?
Spring is finally here. Life is good.
So thankful to our God for these fresh, sweet, alive days, bursting with new beginnings.

Zecheriah 10:1  Ask rain from the Lord in the season of the spring rain, from the Lord who makes the storm clouds, and he will give them showers of rain, to everyone the vegetation in the field. 


Anonymous said...

I love it all, family changing just like the spring. Planning and enjoying what life has to offer. The motor home will be patiently waiting for the trips to come. You in the yard and garden, planning and preparing. Grandkids enjoying what you have to offer them and bringing joy every time. What a wonderful blessing for you and all your family. xoxo Sharon

Gberger said...

Thank you for this visit with you in pictures. I don't know how I missed this posting earlier, but have not been able to be on blogs consistently - even my own! - for some time.
You are in my thoughts with tender love, especially right now, dear Karen. I hope you can feel a huge hug coming to you from the West Coast. xoxoxo